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Camilla Tassi

Conspirare (Sheehan & Bonds)

A joy to design again for Conspirare - this time, for two programs. An evening of Margaret Bonds' music and poetry and texts of W.E.B. DuBois and Langston Hughes. For this program, photographs, letters, manuscripts, and other archival imagery (much of it thanks to the Margaret Bonds and Langston Hughes Papers of Yale University's archives) was incorporated into the architecture of the space.

The second program, Benedict Sheehan's Liturgy of St. John of Chrysostom was inspired by a wish to immerse the audience - photography and details of the Hagia Sophia, the movement of smoke as incense, of reveal with light. Both still and moving video imagery was mapped to the architecture. The Liturgy program included the premiere of a new movement, 'Credo', which incorporated the text of Du Bois' Credo.

John Stinson, video livefeed/stream/capture

Camilla Tassi, projection design

Viera Buzgova, lighting design

TSV Sound & Video, engineering


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