Projection designer: Apollo's Fire "O Jerusalem!"
"Selections from Monteverdi’s Vespers of 1610 echo the singing of Jewish cantors in the temples. Medieval harp, oud, and exotic percussion blend with Arabic love songs and Sephardic ballads. The performers, including musicians of Jewish, Muslim, and Christian backgrounds, join in celebration of brotherhood and sisterhood."
Jeannette Sorrell's new program for Apollo's Fire - "O Jerusalem" - explores the city of Jerusalem through its Arab, Armenian, Christian, and Jewish quarters. The vocal and instrumental program contains music from all of those traditions, as well as personal stories from the ensemble's members. It was particularly touching to be invited to design projections for the project.
The projections focused on setting a scene and atmosphere for the different quarters. This was done through paintings highlighting historical artwork from the different faith traditions. I would have the paintings shift in temperature, movement, focus, color, and revelation of content based on the music being performed (dynamics, texture, tempo, development).
A couple of photos from the rehearsal and concert at Mees Hall in Columbus OH, Capital University.