Light & Projection Designer: Pragmatists - experimental theater
PRAGMATISTS by Stanisław Ignacy Witkiewicz a PROTO-VR ADAPTATION by Andrew Maillet and Z. Bzymek feat. LIGHTS & PROJECTIONS by Camilla Tassi Feb. 17 - 9 & 11pm Feb. 18 - 4pm
Pragmatists is an absurdist drama by the Polish playwright and philosopher Stanisław Ignacy Witkiewicz. In an imaginative contemporary adaptation, Andrew Maillet (Digital Musics '19) and filmmaker Zbigniew Bzymek approach the text as performer-technicians using sound and projections as mutual-mutable "costumes" in a proto-VR mixed reality environment, addressing Witkiewicz's theater of pure form towards the baffling dimensions contemporary media space and the ideologies that pervade it.
Projection and lighting design by Camilla Tassi (Digital Musics '18).
Feb. 17 - 9 & 11pm Feb. 18 - 4pm, Hop Garage, Hopkins Center for the Arts.
Both Z and Andrew have worked with the Wooster Group in NY. It honestly has been such a treat to help contribute to their adaptation; I admire their work as artists and professionals and hope to see this project grow! One of my favorite aspects of this collaboration was that it utilized the space in a fundamental manner - projecting onto the components - pipes, doors, moving blocks, people (as opposed to screens) made it a much more engaging undertaking.