9 Evenings, NYC. Singing in Kirkegaard's Eustachia
This weekend, the Dartmouth Digital Musics students, under Dr. Ashley Fure, had the chance to be in New York City and experience two shows from the Fridman Gallery's '9 Evenings' series, 9/23 and 9/24 respectively, in addition to attending an audio-visual exhibit at 3 Legged Dog and also attending the marathon screening documentaries of the 1966 Experiments in Art & Technology, the original 9 Evenings, followed by discussion panel.
I had the chance to sing/perform in Jakob Kirkegaard's Eustachia for 20 voices. I was the only student from our program, but definitely not the only performer as the piece was for 20 singers. I was graciously invited to participate and help by Kari Francis, really thankful for the experience as I had never sung anything quite like it! It was also lovely to meet students and performers from the NYC area.
Below: a picture of the 9 Evenings 50th anniversary schedule, a screenshot of myself and Xanthe Kraft meeting Pauline Oliveros after her performance, and a shot of equipment used in the original 1966 EAT/9 Evenings at Issue Project Room.