Camilla Tassi
Yale School of Drama
Special Research Fellow
in Projection Design '19
Dartmouth College
M.A. in Digital Musics, ‘18
University of Notre Dame
B.A. in Music &
B.S. in Computer Science, ’16
- Yale School of Architecture: Sounding Sacred 2/19
- Yale Center for Collaborative Arts & Media: Traintime 12/18
DIRECTOR [Music and/or Stage Director]
- Talk To Me Like the Rain, opera. Moore Theater, Dartmouth. 4/18
- Opera scenes stage director, Oberlin in Italy. Teatro Petrarca. Arezzo, Italy. 8/17
- Serse, Handel opera, assistant director. Oberlin in Italy. Piazza della Badia. Arezzo, Italy. 8/17
- Steps & Sounds: Verum, Voice ensemble director for modern dance concert. Moore Theater, Hopkins Center for the Arts, NH. 5/2017
- Pen Tormenti, baroque production on Carissimi, director and conductor. Hopkins Center for the Arts, Dartmouth College, NH. 3/4/17
- If This is a Man: music, science, and humanity, director. Jordan Hall of Science, Notre Dame, IN. 4/28/16
- Il Primo Omicidio. Yale Voxtet. Sprague Hall. 11/18
- L'Orfeo. Apollo's Fire. 2018 Tour: Cleveland, Michigan, California. 4/18
- L'Arpeggiata. Zankel Hall, Carnegie Hall. 10/6/17
- La Cecita` del Misero Mortale. Basilica of the Sacred Heart, Notre Dame, IN, 5/16
Filia in Jepthe by Giacomo Carissimi, Hopkins Center for the Arts, Winter 2018
Norina, Opera Scenes, by Gaetano Donizetti, Dartmouth College Visual Arts Center, Spring 2017
Celia in As You Like It by Roger Steptoe (opera commissioned for Notre Dame), Spring 2016
Cunegonde in Candide by Leonard Bernstein, Spring 2015, Opera Notre Dame
Drusilla in L’Incoronazione di Poppea by Claudio Monteverdi, Spring 2014, Opera Notre Dame
Widow, Elijah by Felix Mendelssohn, Dartmouth Glee Club, November 5, 2017
Alto Soloist, Chichester Psalms by Leonard Bernstein, Dartmouth Handel S., November 15, 2016
Soprano Soloist, Se questo e` un uomo by Ennio Morricone, April 28, 2016
Soprano Soloist, Mass in C Major Op. 86 by Ludwig van Beethoven, November 21, 2014
Fluent in Italian, Spanish, and English.
Diction proficiency in English, Italian, Spanish, German, French, Latin
Yale Schola Cantorum (current)
Founded ensemble: Clamare singers of Dartmouth (2017-current)
Berlin Opera Academy. Directing and Design Assistantship, Summer 2018
Oberlin in Italy, Summer Opera Festival, Arezzo, Italy. Awarded Design & Production and Stage Direction Assistantship. July 2017
Dartmouth College Alumni Research Award, Summer 2017
Dartmouth Fellowship, full tuition, 2016-2018.
Institute for Scholarship in the Liberal Arts Research & Materials Grant Winner for Producing and Directing “If This is a Man”, April 2016
Institute for Scholarship in the Liberal Arts Research & Materials Grant Winner for Producing and Directing Handel’s “La Resurrezione”, March 2015
Joseph Italo Bosco Fund Winner for Producing and Directing Handel’s “Resurrezione” HWV 47, April 2015
Nanovic Center of European Studies Summer Travel & Research Grant - Recipient May, 2014
Personal topic: An exploration of the process of music transcription through the manuscripts of Giacomo Carissimi
Projection Designer & Italian Coach, Apollo’s Fire
Soprano, Yale Schola Cantorum
Projection Designer, Yale University
Stage Manager, Hopkins Center for the Arts, Hanover, NH
Concert Committee Chair, Choral Arts Foundation of the Upper Valley, NH
Assistant Director & Stage Manager, Oberlin in Italy, Arezzo, Italy
Projection Designer, Longy School of Music, Cambridge, MA
Projection Designer, Sacred Music Notre Dame, IN
Computer Science Researcher, Notre Dame, IN
eCommerce Strategy & Planning, Grainger, Chicago, IL

Designer & Soprano Dual Citizen: Italy & United States
Software: Isadora, TouchDesigner, Watchout, Adobe Photoshop &
After Effects, Autodesk Maya, Max & Jitter, Processing, Arduino, Final Cut, Ableton
Programming: SuperCollider, OpenGL, C++, Python, HTML5
Lighting Consoles: Proficient in ETC (EOS series)
"The Musician Designer: Integrating the Projection Medium Into Dramatic Musical Narrative". Academic Thesis. Dartmouth Press.
321-745-0707 227 Church St. Apt 8B, New Haven, 06510.