Article: Mozart performance review in Schwäbisch Hall
This month I've been a student in the Goethe-Institut Schwäbisch Hall site (Germany). I've loved taking the language course - I've also had the luck of being there the month of their annual Sommerfest, where students from all nationalities prepare performances and cook food for the international buffet.
Over 500 guests attended the event and over 40 nationalities were represented. I decided to sing
the Italian Mozart concert aria "No che non sei capace".
In the first section in which I was mentioned:
"Sie singt die Mozart-Arie "No, che non sei capace" inklusive schwieriger Koloraturakte. Der letzte Ton verklingt. Donnernder Applaus setzt ein."
meaning: "She sings the Mozart aria "No, che non sei capace" including difficult coloratura Act. The last note fades. Thunderous applause starts."
It was humbling and beautiful to be reviewed in the town's newspaper! Link to the full article.