Camilla Tassi

From the April 2015 performance of
Handel's "Resurrezione" Oratorio HWV 47.
Camilla Tassi: Artistic Director, Vocal Coach
& Producer (Casting, Abrigding, Costuming, Funding)
Also featured/mentioned in the graduate department
newsletter here!
Read the original italian translation I created of the work for its program.
Upcoming & Recent Works I'm Producing:
"If This is a Man: A Tribute to Primo Levi"
Featuring film testimonies and performances of Morricone and Sargon's orchestral & chamber settings of texts by Primo Levi.
Conductor Caleb Wenzel.
Jordan Hall of Science.
Producer for Luigi Rossi oratorio "O cecita` del misero mortale" to be performed alongside Vivaldi Magnificat for Vatican Library Conference.
Basilica of the Sacred Heart.
Fall 2016
Creating Tech Art installation for upcoming Dante Project. To learn more about the presentation and performance, visit here.
Classically trained vocalist, exprience singing both alto and soprano in auditioned ensembles.
From the November 2015 performance
"Healing Waters, an American Sacred Music Concert".
Soprano, Sarah Noone.
Piano, Camilla Tassi.
Upcoming & Recent Performances:
Premiering role of Celia in newly commissioned opera "As You Like It" by Roger Steptoe.
Decio Theatre.
Debartolo Performing Arts Center.
Soprano Soloist for Primo Levi tribute
performance of Ennio Morricone's US
Premiere of "Se questo e` un uomo".
Jordan Hall of Science.
Music Department Commencement Week
Concert featuring performance majors.
Performing Mozart's "No che non sei capace".
Debartolo Performing Arts Center, Leighton.
• Lit Choir May 2015 [Click Images to Hear]
• Notre Dame Recital Chrous Sep. 2015
Playing Cunegonde in Bernestein's Candide
Debartolo Performing Arts Center.
Email for recordings
Music Writing Samples:
• The Political Message of the Risorgimento in Verdi’s Macbeth
• Attraverso il Filo Spinato: Music in the Concentration Camps & Modern Orchestral Settings of Primo Levi (Italian)